Quarter Horse, Paint and Appaloosa Shipping Requirements
COGGINS TEST: In order to enter an Oklahoma racetrack, a horse must have a negative Coggins test conducted within the last twelve (12) months. A copy of the original Coggins may be presented at the Stable Gate for entry to the backside. A negative Coggins (EIA) is required for a horse entering a race and must be the original VS Form 10-11 or an approved electronic version attached to the registration papers.
EHV-1: A current health certificate issued within 30 days prior to arrival at Remington Park which shows the vaccination record for each horse. The horse must have been vaccinated with an FDA approved modified live or killed virus vaccine for EHV-1 not less than 14 days and not more than 90 days prior to date of entry. The veterinarian must provide the date of vaccination, the
brand, serial number and the expiration date of vaccine.
EQUINE INFECTIOUS ANEMIA: No horse shall enter the premises of a racetrack without a negative test for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) conducted within the preceding twelve (12) months. A copy of the EIA test is satisfactory.
EQUINE PIROPLASMOSIS: All racing Quarter Horses, Paints and Appaloosas entering Remington Park shall have proof of a negative Piroplasmosis test (T.equi) within the past twelve (12) months.
For further information contact: OHRC State Veterinarian 405-419-4496 or Director of Equine Health Programs 405-522-8396
Racing Office Directory
Horsemen's Bookkeeper
Horsemen’s Bookkeeper, Gedda Quiñónez
Phone: 405-419-4424
Email: horsemensbookkeeper@remingtonpark.com
Horsemen’s W-9 Form
Request for U.S. taxpayer identification number and certification
Foreign Resident/Citizen Horse Owners – W-8BEN Form
ACH Transfers Form
FAQ sheet regarding ACH transfers
Contact the Horsemen’s Bookkeeper to get your Account Number and Pin for online access.
Important Phone Numbers
Oklahoma Quarter Horse Racing Association
Executive Director: Krissy Bamberg
Office: 405-216-0440; Fax: 405-216-0770
Hair Testing: 405-881-5120
American Quarter Horse Association: 806-376-4811
American Paint Horse Association: (817) 222-6424
Appaloosa Horse Club: (208) 882-5578
Heritage Place, Inc.
General Manager: Spence Kidney 405-682-4551
Thoroughbred Racing Association of Oklahoma
President: Joe Offolter, Executive Director: Danielle Barber
Phone: 405-427-8753, Email: Dbarber@traoracing.com
Horse Racing Integrity and Safety Authority
Any Thoroughbred horse, beginning on the day of the horse’s official timed workout at a racetrack or training facility (or when entered/nominated to a race) and ending when the horse has been officially retired, is a Covered Horse. Covered Horses must be registered with HISA on or before the date of the first official timed workout (or entry/nomination to a race)
-Horses that are not registered with HISA will not be allowed to race-
All horse shipping from out of state must have a 5-day health certificate. Designated areas within the state, approved by Remington Park, will require a 30 day health certificate.
HISA Helpline: 1-877-513-2919
Remington Park HISA Contact: Leah England, 606-669-3911